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Natalie Portman Is the New Face of Miss Dior Cherie

Natalie Portman has been wearing oodles of Dior in recent months. If that didn't clue you in to a partnership with the brand, then here's the official news: She's the new face of Miss Dior Cherie perfume. You'll see Natalie in her new role starting in March, when print ads by Tim Walker and an extra-special commercial directed by Sofia Coppola Debut.

Based on Sofia's other work for Dior, the ad will likely be charming, endearing and girly. This is Natalie's first luxury beauty endeavor and she seems excited about it, although she admits that her beauty routine is rather lax when she's not working. She says:
I’m pretty casual in my beauty routine in my real life, some might say sloppy.
With Natalie's gorgeous pixie-like features, we have no doubt this campaign will be beautiful and can't wait to see it. Congrats Natalie!

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