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Review: Strip It! Hair Removal Sugaring

Hey guys!

It's embarrassing for me to say this, but I'm one of the unfortunate women who have some kind of hormonal imbalance. 
One of the effects of this is I need to do hair removal stuff just so I can wear a skirt without insecurities!
I've done shaving, used hair removal creams, electric epilator, and different kinds of waxing! I'd do laser if I could afford it!

For now, I do waxing. It removes the hair from the roots so hair growth is slower compared to shaving and creams. New hair is finer too so no irritating, rough feeling! And I only have to do it after 4 weeks!

Before, I shaved. But I hated the rough feeling so I go to waxing salons but it's kind of heavy on the budget. My sis then introduced me to someone who does home service. That's the time I first encountered sugaring. But being a college student back then, it was still expensive for me. So I settled with buying cold strips from departments stores and asked my sister to wax my legs for me.
We even play Lady Gaga's song, "Beautiful, Dirty, Rich" while we wax to numb the pain. It became a ritual to us actually. :P

Now that my sister is staying overseas, I have to wax by myself. And all I can say is...
It is very PAINFUL.
I can only wax my legs right now and turned back to hair removal creams for the other areas.

But a few weeks ago,
I got an email from Arlette of Strip It! Hair removal sugaring.
She asked me if I could try out their product and write a review about it.
I've heard about Strip It! long ago from blogs and other websites and read positive comments about it so, of course, I agreed!

Two days after, I got this set from the mail!

They sent me a mini kit to try the product out!

The kit includes:

A list with descriptions, instructions, helpful tips and a list of their branches

100g tub of the sugaring wax

A wooden spatula for applying the wax

An Aloe Vera Gel to soothe the skin

and 2 packs of reusable cloth
(Yes. They are reusable! Just wash the sugaring off after using! I did this and it still works well the second time around!)

Here's a small description of Strip It! Sugaring from their website:

"STRIP IT" is the BEST ready-to-use hair removal sugaring in the Philippines! SUGARING is also known as Egyptian sugar wax. All natural & water-soluble, so it’s safe to use on the face, body, bikini area, and even on sensitive skin.

So anyway, after taking a shower and used body scrub, I was ready to try it out!
Of course, I readied a nice playlist on which I can sing along to while waxing...

When I first opened the tub...
It smells soooo good. Sort of like candy sweet. I like it so much that I want to taste it! Haha!

I then scooped a small amount of product.
It's consistency was a bit thicker than I expected.
But I only needed small amounts since it's easier and less painful to wax when you do it little by little. ;)
But after reading some of the tips, I reheated it on the microwave and it was easier to apply and spread.

Spreading it on my skin is the tricky part for me since I'm doing this on my own, especially on the back of my legs. So I asked my best friend, Liz, to do it for me! Haha!
Anyway, spread it according to the direction of hair growth and then put the cloth on top and rub it a few times and pull it in the opposite direction of hair growth.

*You can read a more detailed instruction on how to use the product on the manual that comes with the kit when you purchase it. There are also very helpful tips to make the waxing experience easier and less painful and more effective!

When I was gonna pull the cloth off for the first time, I closed my eyes, anticipating the very familiar pain I feel whenever I wax. After I pulled it off, I was surprised on the pain difference I felt when I use this and when I used other cold strips! There's less pain! ♥
It also took out all the hair where I spread the sugaring wax. There was no need to re-wax the area on my legs. Though I needed to in areas like the armpits since hair grows more than one direction. :P

Anyway, I also tried it on finer hairs like on the back of my hands...
Yes, I do have hairs there... unfortunately for me... Huhuhu... :(


 Applied the wax

 Rub the cloth for just a few seconds

 And voila! It took all the hair out! In just one pull!
Cool, huh?

After waxing, I just needed a wet towel to remove the sticky sugaring product left on my skin! I liked it better than having to rub oil on my skin when I used other cold strips. It feels like my skin can breathe better.

A day later, I believe my skin is softer! I keep touching my legs! Haha! 
Turns out, it also exfoliates the dead skin cells and also has moisturizer and lightening qualities!

As I'm writing this review, it has been exactly a week since I waxed using Strip It! Sugaring.
What it claims that it makes skin softer, less chicken skin, and causes less pain are all true!
I've used it on my legs, some areas on my face and on my armpits and 'til now, they are hairless! Yay! Although I'm not entirely sure about the whitening part since I do have fair skin already. :P
I only used half the tub too! Which is sooo good since I have some left for the next session! And it also have a long shelf life, around a year according to their site!

The most important of all is I didn't get any skin irritations! My skin gets irritated easily so I don't experiment much on skin products (except for makeup, haha!). It's probably because the product is all natural, made of sugar and honey (so sweet!)! It states that it is even safe to use on sensitive skin and on the bikini area. I have yet to try that though. :P

What I'm waiting for right now is how much ingrown hairs I'll find when hair grows back. That's the most annoying part when I wax. :P

I fell in love with Strip It!
I've already recommended it with some of my friends, actually. They already asked me to order for them some starter kits when I buy another kit for me. :P

So to summarize this loooooong post:

♥ No skin irritations
♥ Made from natural ingredients
♥ Smells good
♥ Less pain compared to other kinds of epilation
♥ My skin feels softer, less chicken skin
♥ Spatula and cloth strips included in the kit are reusable
♥ Comes with complete instructions, helpful tips, product descriptions, and list of branches and contact details.
♥ Affordable
♥ Only needs water to remove it from skin
♥ Easy to do alone but easier with some help. Haha!
♥ Spatula is quite strong. I used it when the wax wasn't heated and it's so far from breaking
♥ Comes with two long sheets of cloth

♥ ummm... let me think... None!

I finally found a better, more affordable way to counter this problem I've been fighting since I was in high school! Yayyy! ♥
Do I recommend it?
Hell yeah! As mentioned a few paragraphs above, I already did!
Will I buy again?
Will surely do! ♥

*Thanks again, Arlette, for letting me try your awesome product!
You just gained a loyal customer here! Haha! ♥

If you're curious to know more about Strip It!, check out their

Oh, and they also have a waxing salon you can visit!

Have you tried sugaring?
Strip It! to be more specific?
Any thoughts, suggestions, questions? Comment below!


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