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Personal: Goodbye, Mommy

Guys, thank you all for the prayers and support that you have given me and my family. To my friends who were able to visit, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to see me and my mom. I truly appreciate it.


There isn't an easy way to say this... I've been actually putting this off since typing it for all the world to see makes everything so real and permanent.

My mom passed away last November 20, 2008. She was laid at her final resting place last November 25, 2008.

She was suppose to turn 56 years old this coming December 4, 2008.

My mom's name is Joy. Appropriately named because she taught me the true meaning of happiness.

I will forever miss her.


Thank you, mom, for raising me to be a strong and independent woman. I owe everything to you. Thank you that i was able to survive the passed few days without having to succumbed to depression from my loss of you. Thank you that you have delivered us from making the decision of whether to let you go or not. Til the very end, you have always thought of making life easy for me. I promise you that I will be okay. That I will go on with my life and fulfill my life long dreams as well as yours. Don't worry, you have equipped me enough to make the right decisions. I will always be a good girl and forever be your little girl.

I give you peace of mind, Mom. The times we spent together are more than enough to last me a lifetime. We have always been so close to each other that I have little regret. I have always told you I love you and that I am very proud to be your daughter. I just hope you were able to see me get married and have children. I wish you could have seen me settled with my own family and successful with my career. But you have always thought me NEVER to question God's will.... so, I won't. I will accept what happened and keep my faith intact. I am just taking comfort on the fact that you are now resting His arms. Finally, you can now serve Him wholly like you've always wanted to.

I love you, mommy.

You'll always be in my mind. I will never forget.


Have you hugged your parents lately? Have you told them thank you and I love you? No matter how close you are with your parents never let a day goes by without telling them you appreciate them and that you remember them...


Don't be surprise if i will resume my blogging in the coming days... as you know, blogging is a therapy for me. Now more than ever I am more determined to continue this venture. And no, I didn't enroll this semester. I will be taking over my mom's businesses and hopefully be successful in it. Next year, i will resume law school in a different school that will provide the best program for working students (specifically those handling their own business.). I can only hope that I can fulfill all my obligations to my mom, her people and her business partners... and still become a lawyer.

GOD, help me! Mom, I will forever seek out your guidance.

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