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Sleek MakeUP Original i-Divine Palette

Sleek MakeUP Original i-Divine Palette

Sleek MakeUP Original i-Divine Palette

Shade:  Original
Color Description:  1 matte shade (black) and 11 shimmery shades
Size:  0.03 Oz. / 1.1 g each eyeshadow (12 X 0.03 Oz / 12 X 1.1 g)
Price:  £7.99 / $11.99
Designed and developed in the UK produced in China
Where to find it:  Superdrug in the UK, also available online at www.sleekmakeup.com
Note:  I purchased mine in a Superdrug and have not order from the website. All shades have good pigmentation with some fall-out.
Tumblr:  makeupswatch.tumblr.com

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