Tip 1
Do not apply shampoo directly to your hair
Pour a coin size amount of shampoo first on your hand, lather it with water, then apply the shampoo on your hair. DO NOT ever apply the whole blob of shampoo directly onto your hair.
Tip 2
Use clarifying shampoo once a week
I know, what's the difference of a clarifying shampoo with a regular shampoo right? Well there is one hair myth to a lot of us (I was a victim of this myth a well). We regularly change our shampoo as we believe that the hair develops "product immunity" after prolonged use. That is why we need to rotate our shampoo for it to work. --- so not true.
The real reason some products don't work as much as the first time we used it is because the hair products are all build up to your hair and needs to be washed out. That is where the clarifying shampoo comes in! Choose a good clarifying shampoo and use this once or twice a week to prevent product build up.
Use conditioner after shampooing.
Concentrate conditioner at the ends of the hair even if you're using a 2-in-1 product. I find 2-in-1s great but not the greatest. Especially for long hair, extra conditioning is still a needed step for smoother hair.
Tip 4
Air dry your hair first before blow drying your hair
I've always noticed that when I had my hair done in a salon, I got out with really perfect hair. But the next day, I found my hair really dry and brittle, worst, full of split ends. One big reason is that most salon stylist concentrate the heat directly towards the strands, which is a BIG NO NO. So, that's when I came up to the conclusion of air drying your hair first with an electric fan and style your hair with heating tools. In that way, it will minimize heat damage and maximize their styling time.
Tip 5
Apply leave-in conditioner
Leave-in conditioners are your hair's bestfriend. But be careful not to put too much and stay away from the roots as it may weigh down your hair. Additional tip, after air drying your hair, apply leave-in conditioner BEFORE you blowdry your hair, in that way, your hair will be protected!
Tip 6
Apply leave-in conditioner (the moisturizing ones) before you go to bed
Since we are on the topic of leave-in conditioners, this one for me is really helpful! I know it sounds gross and you don't want your pillow sticky. I believe there's a lot of leave-in conditioners that are non-sticky and very light to the hair. Use the cream based ones and condition the ends generously before you sleep. (make sure to do this if you're going to wash your hair the next day).
After you wash your hair, you'll find it easier to comb and it's more manageable.
Tip 7
Never use a brush with wet hair. Use wide tooth comb instead.
Enough said, just do as told! hehehe
Tip 8
Trim your hair regularly
Maintain your hair with consistency. Have your hair trimmed approximately once every 6-8 weeks. It will cut those nasty split ends and your ends will feel softer and easier to comb.
Tip 9
Make friends with your stylist
Find a stylist whom you are comfortable to talk about your hair issues with. A good stylist doesn't have to be the expensive or those famous ones. A good stylist takes time to talk to you, to understand your lifestyle and will give you several tips on how to take care on your new 'do.
Tip 10
Deep condition your hair at least once a week
Use a deep conditioner once a week. Take time to massage the product onto your roots down to the ends of your hair and wrap it in a shower cap and leave it for 30minutes or the whole afternoon if you want!
Here's my favorite picture of a beautiful hair! :D

Any tips you guys have? I'd love to hear from you
Your askmewhats,
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