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Luminesse Airbrush Tanning Home System

Luminesse is an at home airbrush self tanning system. Having had mine for awhile and been anxious to try it , I finally got to it this past weekend.
I love the idea of airbrushing at home and am a self tan fanatic. This is supposed to be easy and look great.

It only takes a minute to hook up the airbrush to the compressor and get it ready to go. Then once you're ready, you pull back on the stylus gently and the air and tanning solution starts spraying. It's a super fine spray and there is a bronzer in there to see where you've applied.

The key here is slow circles on the areas you're tanning. The first time I did it, (just my legs and arms ) I rushed and had a few overdone spots on my legs. My own fault. As I used it more I got better. Take your time, go slowly ,cover each area throughly but not too much and you end up with a great, natural tan. The company says 30 minutes for a full body tan. I figure at least 15 minutes for arms and legs is about right.

First you have the bronzer on as well as tanner, then after you wash off the bronzer, you're left with a nice medium tan. It's a very natural, normal tan. My tan is holding up well ( they say it will last up to 14 days). Drying time is about 10-15 mins. Pretty fast. For the tan to become it's full color takes a good 8-10 hours I think.

I used about 1/8- 1/4 of the bottle each time. Luminesse says that 1/3 to 1/2 bottle for initial tans, than 1/3 thereafter for full body tans.

Overall, I really like this. Lets face it, if you go for spray tans often, you are spending a lot. I'm not a spray tan girl, but I do go through plenty of self tanner . Also, it's always hard to do your back and shoulders well. This makes that a snap. So easy to get the all over tan. Plus I love how golden it looks. The color is perfect.

The Luminesse system sells for $ 129.00 and includes everything you see pictured above, including a carry case, so you can take in anywhere ( like to your girlfriends house for tanning parties ).
Visit http://www.luminesstan.com/ for more info

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