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YAHOOO! celebrate good times, come on! yes gals this kitten is ready to celebrate...

hurry kittens its goody time...and one rooten' tooten' celebration is on it's way...what Cat what? girls...it's my " BLOG ANNIVERSARY" yahoo! it' s been a whole year!

eekk...so i'm dollin' up an invitin' you sassy gals to one Blog gal celebration! take a peek...

ok first zip me up...oooh and i'll fix your hair...smile...cuz kittens we're gonna look adorable...slap on your pearls...and oh honey that red red lipstick...we've gotta just celebrate! It's the Vintage Housewife and her one year, of meetin' and greetin'!

oh my, oh my kittens you look great and i am so Blessed to have met, talked with{ & commented } with so many amazing dolls! I've loved the fact that you kittens got on board with this kittens sassy style...and enjoyed the adventure...shared memories...and gave great blessings and advice...this has just been a blast!

sooo...HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY! to you kittens!

my whole idea about this blog was just that...smiles...fun...and full of sass~y~ness! where gals can come and kick their heels up! so i hope you sassy ladies have enjoyed this blog and have had a great time swingin' by... thank you Jesus for joy! happy blog anniversary gals!

so now you know theres gonna be presents...it's giveaway time! YAHOOOOO!

first i am soooooo a philosophy girl! this is my most favorite girl line...i wear just about everything from their shower gels...to their make-up! oh word...i love it...and i wanna share it with you kittens...this is the most amazing 3 in 1 shower gel ever. It comes in about a hundred flavors...the yummiest fragrant shampoo,shower gel, and bubble bath ever! yummmmmy yummmmy bubbles...you'll love it!

and for sweet summer... a yummy raspberry sorbet! smells de~lish!

next junkin' jewels!oh my you know i love ol' junkin jewelry! i collect it from ol flea markets and have bought re~designed treats from the most talented blog gals around the block! So you know i wanna share it with the kittens ..this sweet bracelet is a very girly junkin piece!

next...a lil' vintage housewife style,...indeed...

a sweet lil' kitchen full apron...in my favorite color and yummy cherries! this kitten loves aprons...and you know i wear them...so a sweet lil' kitchen treat for you!...yummy pockets, sweet lil' ties at side...can't you just wait to bake a pie!

look red, polka dots,cherries, kitchen goodies...oh me oh my...this vintage housewife loves this sweet lil' kitchen dream! And one of you sassy kittens is gonna win...a few of the Vintage housewife's favorite things...now how to win!

leave me a lil' comment...and your in...leave another...your in again...as many times as you like...it's fun gals lets kick up our heels ! are ya ready...Go!

Now being one year and all, i thought about what things you kittens have enjoyed over this year and their are a few that stuck out! first you gals wanted to know lots about me...which was sweet as sugar cookies! so question and answer forum...leave a question and gals i'm gonna answer them...on my next post...yep you know i like girl talk...so ask away...ekkkkkk how fun!

HEY, Cat Let's Do One NOW! okay!

so to get it started...i'll answer one i got emailed a few weeks ago..."Cat has anyone ever recognized you out and about?"...oh my, a BIG YES!!!!! a few times in fact...the first time was soooo weird...it took me by surprise for sure! I'm sooo nothin' special!! But i loved it! It was so humbling and nice!

One particular time i was out runnin' errands...and a sweet blonde lady was walkin' toward me...miss Mary from walmart i call her...saying..."oh my, your ,your the vintage housewife!" Took my heart by surprise indeed...we chit chatted and i loved gettin' to know her and listened to the things she liked about my blog and the blog world...it was a life moment indeed! Love ya Mary from walmart! hee hee

hmmm trailer,... Cat~

ok on with the show...sharin' about my lil' vintage trailer, is something you ladies seem to like & i wanna do more...she is sooo much fun...and i have a few tricks up my sleeves...hee hee...so for now a few lil' things i found in an antique store...cute lil' vintage trailer goodies...

now that's a rug...

isn't it cute...well you can just hear the ol' happy trails tune ringing' in the back as they are just breezen' along with the breeze... what a fun project a vintage trailer is...and i am sooooo happy i have inspired a few of you to get yourselves one...i love hearin all about it...and i can't wait to see you all on the road! so keep me posted and i love to visit you...happy trails to you!

next some lil' fashion...Cat~

hey sweet kittens...thank you for liken' the fashion...that is a big part of this blog...the everyday no fuss fun of vintage fashion...and you kittens are adorable with your comments...thank you!

so i had to give a lil' daily fashion... this 1940's black gingham checked farm dress is a errand treat! zippered front with a big Bakelite red button on top...and ok, for the best part...sweet tulips on the pockets in red! isn't that adorable! it has the matching belt but on this particular day...i felt like a lil' sweet bow instead! this is actually one of the first vintage farm dresses i ever bought! I think it is still one of my favorites...

so now i want you to sit and have a lil' piece of cake! I want to take a moment and ask that you let me thank you for all your support and kind wishes for this kitten...i am very blessed by this blog...and i do hope you are as well...i hope it is fun! And you are inspired, to be you, enjoy you, and love you!

ekkk...one full year...and now...whats next sassy gals...what new adventures await us...slap your daddy gals and holler' yehawwwww!...i just can't wait to find out!

wontcha' come along for the ride?

so from this vintage housewife ...to all the sassy, blog sista's ...

HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! you are fab!


and thank you for swingin' by my place for some celebration time...cat~

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